Search Results for rofl
Star Wars Music Video

A music video using clips from Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith.
Star Wars Music Video
Man Eats Cactus

Why anyone would do this is beyond me. This man eats a cactus with mayo!
Man Eats Cactus
Huge Houses of Cards

Amazing patience to do this... I certainly wouldn't be that patient!
Huge Houses of Cards
Wrecked Mercedes Carries On Driving

Surely it would have been easier to have it towed away?
Wrecked Mercedes Carries On Driving
Unlucky Wheel of Fortune Contestant

She was lucky until she opened her mouth.
Unlucky Wheel of Fortune Contestant
Dad Prank Calls His Daughter

Poor kid doesn't even realise it's her dad messing about.
Dad Prank Calls His Daughter
Massive 360 Degree Swing

I sat here watching this video actually rooting for the guy to actually complete the 360 degree loop ...
Massive 360 Degree Swing
Wassup 2008

Ever wondered what happened to those carefree Wassup guys from the original Bud ads?
Wassup 2008